
Canvas Connector Student Planner for Google Sheets

If you received an error message, this page has more information about how to resolve it.

No response from Canvas Learning Management System ( LMS ) by Instructure

Check your Canvas Web Address and Canvas Token. Canvas Web Address should look something like

Canvas Token should look something like this:


Log in to your Canvas then head to Account > Settings ( i.e. ) and click '+ New Access Token' to get a Canvas Token. Once there, copy paste the web address from your browser into the Canvas Web Address and then try 'Refresh from Canvas' again.

Required Column Labels

For all required column labels, they can be in any order within the last frozen row and any or all of them can be hidden.

Courses Sheet

The following column labels are required in the last frozen row on the Courses sheet:

  • Course ID
  • Term
  • Course Name
Assignments Sheet

The following column labels are required in the last frozen row on the Assignments sheet:

  • Assignment ID
  • Submitted
  • Course ID
  • Assignment Name
  • Due
  • Score
  • Out of
  • Opens
  • Closes

No response from Canvas by Instructure

Check your Canvas Web Address and Canvas Token. Canvas Web Address should look something like

Canvas Token should look something like this:


Log in to your Canvas then head to Account > Settings ( i.e. ) and click '+ New Access Token' to get a Canvas Token. Once there, copy paste the web address from your browser into the Canvas Web Address and then try 'Refresh from Canvas' again.

Setup Sheet is missing

There needs to be a sheet named 'Setup' in the spreadsheet you run 'Refresh from Canvas' on. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary sheets, named ranges and column labels. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a sheet named 'Setup' or rename an existing spreadsheet to be named 'Setup'. You will also need the required column labels.

setup sheet tab

Courses Sheet is missing

There needs to be a sheet named 'Courses' in the spreadsheet you run 'Refresh from Canvas' on. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary sheets, named ranges and column labels. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a sheet named 'Courses' or rename an existing spreadsheet to be named 'Courses'. You will also need the required column labels.

setup sheet tab

Assignments Sheet is missing

There needs to be a sheet named 'Assignments' in the spreadsheet you run 'Refresh from Canvas' on. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary sheets, named ranges and column labels. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a sheet named 'Assignments' or rename an existing spreadsheet to be named 'Assignments'. You will also need the required column labels.

assignments sheet tab

Courses sheet has no frozen rows

The last frozen row is where the required column labels need to be. If you get this error, please select the row with the column labels and freeze it. It comes pre-frozen in the Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet. You can add as many rows as you'd like above the frozen row.

Assignments sheet has no frozen rows

The last frozen row is where the required column labels need to be If you get this error, please select the row with the column labels and freeze it. It comes pre-frozen in the Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet. You can add as many rows as you'd like above the frozen row.

Named range is missing

All named ranges come pre-set on the Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet. You can move or hide the named ranges but they must exist.

missing error-range

There must be a range ( cell or group of merged cells ) named canvas_url on the Setup sheet. This range is used to set the student's Canvas url. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary named ranges. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a named range named canvas_url.

missing canvas-url
missing canvas-token
missing connector-key

There must be a range ( cell or group of merged cells ) named progress_bar_assignments on the Assignments sheet. This range is used to display the progress during Refresh from Canvas. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary named ranges. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a named range named progress_bar_assignments.


There must be a range ( cell or group of merged cells ) named progress_bar_courses on the Courses sheet. This range is used to display the progress during Refresh from Canvas. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary named ranges. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a named range named progress_bar_courses


There must be a range ( cell or group of merged cells ) named progress_bar_setup on the Setup sheet. This range is used to display the progress during Refresh from Canvas. The Canvas Connector Student Planner spreadsheet has all the necessary named ranges. It is best to copy sheets from there. You can also create a named range named progress_bar_setup.


Canvas Token is required

Log in to your Canvas then head to Account > Settings ( i.e. ) and click '+ New Access Token' to get one. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

There seems to be a problem with your Canvas Token

In your Canvas, go to Account > Settings. Under Approved Integrations, click + New Access Token. Enter any purpose. Leave expiration date blank. Click Generate Token. Copy/paste the Canvas Token. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

Canvas Web Address is required

Log in to your Canvas. Then, copy/paste the Canvas Web Address ( i.e. ) from your browser's address bar. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

There seems to be a problem with your Canvas Web Address

Log in to your Canvas. Then, copy/paste the Canvas Web Address ( i.e. ) from your browser's address bar. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

Canvas Web Address DNS Error

Log in to your Canvas. Then, copy/paste the Canvas Web Address ( i.e. ) from your browser's address bar. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

Canvas Connector Student Key is required

Buy Canvas Connector Student then look in your inbox for an email from with the subject 'Canvas Connector Student For Google Sheets Key' Copy/paste the Canvas Connector Student Key into the Canvas Connector Student Key cell. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

Key Checker Down

The service used to check your Canvas Connector Student Key is down. You will not be able to Refresh from Canvas until it is back up.

Canvas Connector Student Key is not valid

Buy Canvas Connector Student then look in your inbox for an email from with the subject 'Canvas Connector Student For Google Sheets Key' Copy/paste the Canvas Connector Student Key into the Canvas Connector Student Key cell. Video and screenshot instructions available at Get Started

No Courses

There are no courses. Log in to your Canvas and head to Courses > All Courses to see what's going on. Maybe your semester or quarter hasn't kicked off yet? Check your academic calendar.

No Available Courses

There are no courses that are available and not concluded.

If you received any of these errors, please report them to us.
  • There was a problem getting data from Canvas
  • Assignments is not iterable
  • Courses is not iterable

If you received an error not listed here, please contact us.